Palo Alto, CA
2290 Birch St, Ste A, Palo Alto, CA 94306.
(650) 503-6777
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81 Birch Street, Redwood City, CA 94062.
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Santa Clara, CA
1394 Franklin St, Santa Clara, CA 95050.
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Woo Your Valentine With Fresh Breath

Blue Turtle Dental- It’s Valentine’s Day; a time-tested opportunity for showing that special someone that you care. Cards and flowers, chocolates and wine– no matter what your choice of Valentine’s cheer may be, your honey is going to hope that your breath is sweet when he or she thanks you with a kiss.

Halitosis, or bad breath, is the number one Valentine’s Day buzz kill. Nothing sours conversation hearts quicker than an unpleasant smelling mouth. But fortunately, this problem can easily be treated at your trusted source for Palo Alto Dentist: Blue Turtle Dental!

An examination of bad breath

What causes bad breath? Of course, bad oral hygiene is the number one culprit– which is great news because it’s inexpensive and easy to fix!

There are other causes of halitosis, some you might not even think of!

  • Food. Food’s an easy one. Want to kiss your honey? Maybe skip the onions right beforehand. But onions and garlic aren’t the only way that food can cause unpleasant breath. If you fail to floss, food particles will hang out in your mouth for hours or even days. If you notice that your breath smells like something you ate last week, that’s a good sign that flossing should be in your future.
  • Smoking. Tobacco use, like pipe, cigarette smoking, or smokeless tobacco, all cause terrible breath– in addition to being a major health hazard! If you are interested in gaining some resources to help you quit tobacco, please ask at your next appointment. Quitting tobacco can make a big difference in your oral health, and we’re here to help you!
  • Gum disease. Gum disease often results from poor hygiene, but once it starts, it can be its own cause of bad breath. The infection around your gumline caused by plaque not only causes swelling, tenderness, and bleeding– but it can have an unpleasant odor, too!
  • Medical conditions. A medical condition unrelated to oral health can also cause bad breath, particularly infections in the airway, like pneumonia or a sinus infection. Diabetes can also contribute to unpleasant breath. Because of hormone changes, pregnancy can cause dry mouth– which places pregnant women at a higher risk for gum disease as well as halitosis!
  • Medications. Some medications can lead to dry mouth as well. Without saliva to keep your mouth fresh and clean, you may experience bad breath as a side effect of medications!

Some solutions at Blue Turtle Dental

If you are experiencing bad breath, that doesn’t mean you will be alone on Valentine’s Day. There are a lot of things you can do to treat a bad breath situation! 

  • Avoid pungent or smelly foods– no sardines on your pizza.
  • Drink lots of water, especially if you go a long time between meals. This rinses the mouth and boosts salivary production.
  • Chew sugar-free gum after or between meals. This also stimulates saliva, and helps clean your mouth.
  • If you are experiencing medically-related halitosis, work with your doctor; she can help suggest tools to address this problem.

And finally– stay up-to-date on your appointments at Blue Turtle Dental, your first choice of Palo Alto dental care. Regular cleanings are critical to fresh breath.

Call for your next appointment now!


Photo Credit: Kolin Toney via Compfight cc