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Why You Must Schedule Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Checkup Even if They’re Attending Online School

For generations in American history, Back to School has been an important time to check children’s general dental health. Call our children’s dentists in Palo Alto to schedule a back-to-school dental checkup for your kids even if they are attending online school.  

Back to school dental checkup offers a fresh chance for a healthy start. It’s time for your children to get school books, cool stationery, and new toothbrushes! 

Starting the new school year with a renewed commitment to dental hygiene puts your children on a winning track throughout the academic year. The American Dental Association estimates that dental diseases cause children to miss over 51 million school hours each year! Dental checkups are especially essential to fight the most common chronic dental condition: cavities. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid untreated dental diseases that can cause pain, trouble eating, difficulty in speaking and school absenteeism.   

The academic year of 2020 presents unique challenges for parents and children. Your child’s dental problems remain the same whether the classroom is in place or online, and when neglected, has a direct impact on his or her school life. However, parents may hesitate to schedule dental checkups to reduce chances of community coronavirus transmission. Bear in mind that back-to-school dental check-ups are even more critical amid the current coronavirus pandemic to avoid easily treatable conditions that might result in dental disease flare-ups and emergency visits later on. 

It’s a great idea to schedule a dental appointment with your child’s pediatric dentist before they start school to ensure they’re maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Some schools in California require your child to get a dental examination before going back to school in the fall. Even if your child’s school doesn’t mandate an appointment, it’s still essential for their overall health to see regularly see their dentist and get their annual dental checkup. 


Why are Back-to-School dental check-ups important? 

Your child cannot afford to miss a dental examination before heading back to the classroom. Dental check-ups are an essential part of your child’s overall health, which could affect his or her academic performance. 

Dental examinations are equally important as immunizations and booster shots as per the American Dental Association.  Back to school is the right time to pay attention to your children’s dental care, among other aspects such as their eyesight, disease prevention, and sports equipment.

Early detection with dental problems can ensure that your child gets treated at the right time and stays healthy throughout the academic year. When you ignore your child’s ‘back-to-school’ dental check-up, dental problems that arise in the course of the year can be painful and affect your child’s life, including his or her classroom performance. For example, tooth cavities, a common dental problem among children, can cause severe pain, difficulties in eating and speaking, poor concentration, and school absenteeism. 

Dr. Alex Yen, one of the best children’s dentists in Palo Alto, CA, says that parents must treat their child’s ‘back-to-school’ appointments as preventive dental services. Children with dental complications get affected physically, mentally, and socially. A healthy mouth leads to improved concentration and classroom performance. Treating minor dental problems and preventing cavities boosts your child’s morale and school performance. 


What happens during back to school appointments

With a recommended two dentist check-ups for children, back-to-school time is an ideal time to have one scheduled for your child. 

At Blue Turtle Dental, our pediatric dentists in Palo Alto, we have been busy with back-to-school dental appointments. We maintain the highest standards of sanitation, health, and safety as per the COVID-19 regulations. If you have not made a Back-to-School dental appointment, please make the time and do it for your child. This appointment is always important, but more so than ever in these times.

The ‘back-to-school’ dental exam will help ensure your child is brushing and flossing correctly. It will help us identify any potential issues before they become an emergency visit and put your child’s mouth in a lot of trouble in the future. We examine your child’s overall dental health, looking for decays, cavities, gum diseases, misalignment, and malocclusions. Based on your child’s dental condition, we suggest the right treatment. Your child’s dental check-up may include the following procedures: 


  • Professional Tooth Cleaning – This is a must! No matter how well your child brushes and flosses, a professional tooth cleaning removes more cavities-causing bacteria than routine brushing can achieve. Professional tooth cleaning also removes most teeth stains for children.
  • Fluoride Treatment – This is another must. Fluoride is a mineral that prevents caries in their very elementary, microscopic diseases stage. At your child’s dental exam, we will apply topical fluoride to protect their teeth and they may be advised not to rinse, eat, or drink for 30 minutes after the application.
  • X-ray Procedures – Dental x-rays help us observe the development of your child’s teeth and to check on their tooth root health. X-rays also help detect decay, if any. 
  • Mouthguards Checks – If your child plays sports and uses mouthguards, back-to-school dental checkups is a good time to get the mouthguard evaluated for wear and tear and fit.
  • Sealants – Sealants are another way to protect your child’s teeth from cavities. Dental sealants create a thin protective barrier to prevent growth of bacteria and food accumulation in the molars (back teeth), where most common tooth decay occurs. Once permanent molars start coming in, ask your dentist if sealants are recommended for your child.


It is essential to maintain dental hygiene post the dental check-ups. Ensure your child is brushing twice a day, flossing once in a day, and eating a healthy diet that limits sugar intake. 

Final Thoughts on Back-to-School Dental Checkups with Children’s Dentists in Palo Alto

A back-to-school dental appointment is critical in your child’s health and academic performance. You can trust Blue Turtle Dental services in Palo Alto, CA, for expert dental care. We are enthusiastic about helping your children start their school year on a happy, winsome note.To schedule a back-to-school dental appointment, call our children’s dentists in Palo Alto, CA, now.